How to Prep for a Kitchen Remodel

Pare Down
If a kitchen remodel is on your horizon, now is the time to start preparing by starting to pare down your kitchen items. Identify duplicate tools and start a donation box for those you won’t need in the new space. Have small kitchen appliances that you never use? Now is a good time to parse those out of your collection. If you have storage containers that don’t have a lid or have seen better days, toss them.

Identify Needs
While paring down, make special note of any favorite items that may need a dedicated storage space in your new kitchen design and talk with your designer about them.

Set Aside Items
If you plan to stay in your home during your remodel, start setting up your temporary kitchen. You should have some cooking tools, like a toaster oven, coffee pot and hot plate, along with a few pans and utensils to make cooking easier. Don’t forget to be prepared with a few simple but delicious recipes so you aren’t overwhelmed by trying to prepare complicated meals in limited space.

Get Organized
We suggest boxing like items together for easy unpacking once your kitchen remodel is complete. During the remodel store these boxes in an out-of-the-way but still accessible spot in case you’ve forgotten a must-have item.

Take a Breath
Not cooking in your kitchen with all the things can be a challenging experience. However, a little pre-remodel prep, combined with a good attitude, will get you through the remodeling process with little stress.