Keyword: outdoor living space

The Pros and Cons of a Horizontal Fence

In a home remodel there are endless possibilities to sort through on which finish to select or what tile to choose. We try and help out by simplifying the process. This month we're discussing the pros and cons of a horizontal fence vs. a vertical one.
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We’ve Got a New Truck!

Did you hear the news? We got a new truck! Give us a wave when you see us around town.
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Multi-level Decks – Yes or No?

If you love the look of a multi-level deck design, read on to find out if it makes sense given your circumstances or if you should go back to the drawing board.
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Deck Materials for the Savvy Homeowner

Trying to decide between materials for a deck remodel or covered outdoor living space? We break down the material options for you.
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Create Your Personal Outdoor Sanctuary

Does an outdoor sanctuary light a fire in your soul? If so, here are the items to focus on when considering your home's design.
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How to Determine What to Put in Your Outdoor Kitchen

If putting in a kitchen into your outdoor living space is on your remodel wish list, here are some considerations.
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Pass-Through Windows Are In Demand

Maximizing overall living space, especially adding covered outdoor living space, is a remodeling priority in 2020. More and more clients are requesting a better and seamless connection between their home and the outdoors. Pass-through windows are an excellent and efficient way create that connection without elaborate design work.
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Outdoor Living for the Outdoor Loving

If you’re like many Pacific North-westerners, you love the outdoors and have your white legs out the second the sun is shining and the temperature is above 65 degrees. A covered outdoor living space, and well-planned design can really help you integrate this desirable feature into your existing home design, while ensuring that your lifestyle preferences are accounted for. Read more to determine what features you should consider.
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Putting Your Best Foot Forward This Spring

If you're wondering what to tackle on your home this month, continue reading to find out our recommendations for keeping your home in tip-top shape.
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Custom Remodels for One-of-a-Kind Clients

We specialize in creating the space that works for your family, based on your needs. See some of the cool features our clients requested.
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