Category: Home Exterior Projects

Don’t Wait, Just Paint!

Getting your house painted can be a tough task. We're not even talking about you wielding a brush. Sometimes the hardest part is picking a color and finding a reputable painter. We talked with one of our painting partners to get the inside scoop on this home upgrade.
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Replace Garage Doors for Improved Curb Appeal

Garage doors make a huge difference in the curb appeal of your home. See what we think you should consider when you're ready to replace them.
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March Madness Around the House

Make the most of those commercial breaks and tackle a few things this month to keep your home in prime condition. See what we recommend.
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Kick Starting Your Curb Appeal

Don't forget about your home's exterior when considering a remodel. A garage door, the siding and windows are the first impression you leave your guests. See what this client did to improve hers.
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Garage Door Materials for the Smart Consumer

Don't get confused by the material options for a new garage door. We've simplified each material and highlighted the energy efficiency, material strengths and weaknesses and more.
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At Home During the Holidays

It's time for the holidays. Don't forget your home maintenance to-do list for this month.
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Window Upgrade Considerations

Long thought of as the eyes of the home, windows can make or break that first impression to guests. Enclosed are suggestions on when windows should be replaced and what to consider when upgrading to new windows.
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Multi-level Decks – Yes or No?

If you love the look of a multi-level deck design, read on to find out if it makes sense given your circumstances or if you should go back to the drawing board.
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Optimizing Your Outdoor Living Space

We all want to maximize the potential of our home. There's always limited square footage, so it's important to utilize what you have so that it's available to you year-round. Especially underutilized is the outdoor living space. This article will help you to understand how to optimize your home's outdoor living room.
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Roofing Round Up

If it's time to replace your roof, or you're just starting to research roofing options, this article can help you decide which features and materials are important.
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