How to Care for Pets & Kids During a Remodel
A disruption to routine is tough for even the most flexible of people. Kids and pets thrive on routine and a remodel can really throw off the littlest family members. Understanding the limitations in your space is key to keeping kids and pets safe during the disruption. We love it when our clients include their kids in a project, as this helps them to understand what’s happening and can lessen surprises.
If you can, set up a separate entrance for kids from the one the workers will be using. This will help keep the dirt and dust at a minimum and, more importantly, will keep little hands away from any dangerous tools. Establish a safe place for play – both pets and kids need to burn off energy and it’s not realistic to think you can curb that just because you’re in the middle of a remodel. Designate the location and ensure they have regular access to it. Conversely, it’s helpful to establish where it isn’t safe for kids to play. A physical barrier can eliminate confusion for pets and kids alike.
Our team members love pets, but not every pet loves a stranger in their space. If you can, introduce your animal to the team so they can get used to someone new, or utilize a pet daycare solution if they are especially sensitive. Kids and pets are more sensitive to smells, dust and hazardous air (think lead, asbestos and mold) that can be generated during a remodel. If you suspect these materials could be an issue in your home, it may be a good idea to find an alternate location to stay.
Do your best to maintain your normal schedule during the remodel for everyone’s sanity. Adjust with naptimes in the car if construction noise is an issue. If you have escape artists for kids or pets, be sure to place a note on a door so workers can be extra careful when entering or exiting the home.
Finally, we recommend running an air purifier during and after the project. While we do our absolute best to minimize the dust and debris around your home, it’s impossible to contain it all. We always have cleaners come in at the end of a project to leave your home feeling fresh and new, but there may be lingering contaminants in the air that a purifier can help eliminate.
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