July Home Chores

Just like the human body, a well-cared for house needs regular maintenance and an annual or even a semi-annual evaluation to ensure all is well or shine light on an issue. This July, in between trips to the park or beach, be sure you’ve evaluated the following:

  1. Bathrooms – check under sinks and around pipes to ensure there’s no dripping or leaks happening unbeknownst to you. Toilets are another place to evaluate, if after flushing the water continues to run after initially filling the toilet, the guts likely need replacement. Check the balance of the toilet, does it wobble when you sit down? If so, you may need it to be set again to ensure leaking doesn’t occur at the base. If walls show signs of mold or mildew, you may want to consider a higher-powered fan as the moisture is not being managed appropriately. Check grout and caulk lines in the shower and repair ASAP where necessary so that water damage can’t develop.
  2. Kitchen – granite countertops are porous and should be sealed annually depending on the sealant used. In addition, exhaust/range hoods can build up grease and become less effective. Check grout and caulk lines around tile and sink so that you’re catching possible water seepage right away.
  3. Water Heater – drain the water heater annually and pay close attention to any signs of corrosion. If this seems more than you can handle, a plumber can quickly and easily manage this task.
  4. Washing Machine – don’t forget the machine that cleans your clothes! It can use an annual cleaning too. Move the machine and clean out any dust bunnies left behind, while also evaluating it for leakage. Check the hoses and replace any that are suspect. If you’re worried about an odor, consider running a vinegar cycle or one with baking soda as they both neutralize smells.
  5. Dryer – while you regularly remove lint from the lint trap, it’s also a good idea to pull out and dust under the machine and look for loose wires. Vacuum out the dryer duct and any surrounding area. Check the outside vent for lint build-up.
  6. Foundation – the first obvious sign of a foundation issue is sinking or uneven ground, or even pooling of water. If those aren’t seen, we do recommend that you walk around your home and look for any cracking on the exterior
  7. Outside Hose Bibs – cold weather can do a number on your outdoor hose bib. We recommend covering them each winter to protect them from the worst of the cold snaps, but now is the time to evaluate the function of the faucet.
  8. Window and Door Seals – now is a good time to evaluate how well your window and door seals are working. If you can feel hot air coming in during these warmer days, it’s likely that heat is escaping during the winter. If you find a seal that isn’t pulling its weight, now is a good time to replace it.

If these seem more than you’re willing to tackle on your own, consider hiring an inspector to look over your house and determine if there are items that need additional attention. Then, if work is needed, a handyman or specialist like a plumber, is only a call away.

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