Laundry Room Essentials
The laundry room is usually an afterthought for most homeowners. As long as a washer and dryer exist, most of us just think of it as a necessary chore. Consider that a well-designed laundry room can elevate this arduous task to something so much better. Here’s what we think are the basics of a good laundry station:
Folding Area
Instead of leaving clothing on the sofa or the bed to be folded, consider having enough of a counter in your laundry station where you can fold as a load is done so that it goes from the laundry room to its final destination without cluttering your house.
Hanging Bar
We all have work shirts or other items that would benefit from a hanging station, either to hang dry or limit wrinkles directly after drying. A hanging bar with dedicated hangers is perfect for this purpose. If you hang dry a lot, consider a design placing this bar over a sink so that any drips can be managed easily.
Easy to Clean
We’re fans of easy to clean materials in any laundry room. Tile or vinyl are good options for flooring. This is one hard working space and the materials used should be also. Laminate or quartz countertops are our recommendations for clients, as they’ll be great for folding and quartz can handle the heat from an iron.
In the American home, more storage is our friend. The laundry room is ideal for storing cleaning products and rags, extra linens, and more. Ensure your laundry room design is ready to handle it all with enclosed storage solutions to hide any clutter.
Wash Station
If you’ve got the space and a pet, we’d argue having both a pet washing station and utility sink would be ideal. If you don’t have that much room, one multi-functional sink for treating stains and bathing pets would be a great solution for a laundry space.
Other small things that can make a big difference even in the smallest laundry space are ample outlets, higher machines to lessen the bending required, and of course spaces to store laundry baskets in between loads. Happy Washing!
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