Spring Tips for Home
You’re likely either slammed with work and caring for your family or bored out of your mind with more free time than you’ve ever had. With that in mind, here are a few tips for channeling the free time you have in a constructive way, while taking advantage of every dry day.
- Start a veggie garden – this won’t solve needing to go to the grocery store now, but it’s a good investment toward food options at home later in the season and a great opportunity to test your green thumb. You can call your area store to see what they have in stock before heading out to get starts or seeds.
- Create a landscape plan – we’ve been spending as much of our ‘dry time’ outdoors, soaking up the sun that we often miss here in the PNW. If your yard could use sprucing up, spend some time drawing out some yard improvement plans.
- Contact a remodeler for a remodel consult – though self-promoting, this is a great time for homeowners to get on the list of very busy area professionals. Every project requires design time upfront, so starting now, could mean construction can begin at the earliest possible date.
- Start a project you’ve been delaying – wanted to redecorate your living room? Plan your dream trip? Do the needlepoint project you’ve had in the closet? Now is the time to quit making excuses and start.
- Try something new – Learn a language, try a new online exercise program. There’s no better use of time that branching out while the stay at home order is in place.
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