Keyword: kirkland home maintenance

Take Advantage of the June Gloom to Get Organized

Getting behind on home upkeep does not make a happy homeowner. Here we're offering you the tips to tackle around your house to keep it in optimal condition.
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March Madness Around the House

Make the most of those commercial breaks and tackle a few things this month to keep your home in prime condition. See what we recommend.
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Home Tasks Before You Hibernate

Whew! January has us wanting to hide inside and stay warm. Before you do that, check that your house is ready.
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Last Minute December Home Tasks

Don't worry, these won't take long. Like Santa, check your list twice to see if you've done these home chores so you'll be prepared.
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Eight Home Maintenance Tasks for October

While the seasonal changes feel abrupt, this shift in wet, cold weather is our sign to tackle some tasks around the house to keep our home looking good. Here's what we think you should do this month.
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Preparing Your Home for Fall

Don't sweat the small stuff this fall, just tackle these home maintenance tasks when you have the time.
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August Home Tasks for A Great Back to School Season

Here are just a few things to do around the house to kick off the end of summer and beginning of the school year.
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Creating an Organized Garage

Have you heard of garage zones? They are key to creating a lasting garage organization plan. Here's what to do to create an organized garage.
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Develop Good Back-to-School Home Habits

With the new school season brings a lot of paperwork. It's easy to get overwhelmed. These tips can help you keep your home in better shape during this transitional time.
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End of Summer Home Tasks

Fall is coming! Ready or not, the season will change as scheduled and it's up to homeowners to make sure their home is ready. Here are the few tasks to get done this month.
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