Keyword: kirkland home remodel

Spring Outdoor Home Tasks

May is a good month for transitioning your home to summer-ready. See what we recommend getting done.
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2024 Home Refresh: Little Ways to Make a Big Impact

Feeling the itch for change but haven't fully vetted the idea yet? Consider some small incremental changes like these to give your home a quick and easy refresh while you work out your bigger goals.
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Sustainable Features at Home

We're always looking for ways to improve our home remodeling experience. One of the newer methods involves thinking about your residential remodel with sustainable features in mind. Enclosed you'll learn some simple ways you can make a difference.
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Create Your Personal Outdoor Sanctuary

Does an outdoor sanctuary light a fire in your soul? If so, here are the items to focus on when considering your home's design.
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Kick These Bad Kitchen Cleaning Habits

Are you making these common cleaning mistakes? If so, your home may not be as clean as you thought.
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Choose a Drywall Texture For Your Remodel

Ever wondered about drywall texture in your remodel? Here are the common textures you probably see as you are out and about.
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Roof Replacement – What You Need to Know

A worn roof can be a big problem. It's better to address the issue as you see signs of wear. See what to look for inside.
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Outdoor Living Year Round

Taking your entertaining and enjoyment outdoors is often something Kirkland area residents do only in the summer months. What if you could enjoy being outdoors year-round without having to suffer the elements? See what these clients chose.
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